Below is a map of Dr. Sun Yat-sen Virtual Historical Sites in Hawaii. You can navigate the map and click on the pins for more information. You can also view the map in Google earth by downloading this file. Click here to download. Google map and Google earth virtual tour courtesy of Mr. Zhengyuan Ma.
Read moreMonth: March 2015

National Memories Exhibit
US-China Collaboration during WWII The Sun Yat-sen Hawaii Foundation is proud to be a partner of the National Memories Exhibit, featuring photos and stories celebrating the legendary friendship and cooperation between the U.S. and China during WWII. The National Memories exhibit will display over 100 valuable historical photos selected form the National Archives and dissiers in China. The exhibit will also preset images of soliders, medics, and civilians – the many unsung heroes from both countries who were united in a valian cause. For more information please click here to view and download the event PDF.
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