Fifth Visit: September 1903 – March 1904

Cancelled check #47



Collection of Lum Chee.
(Courtesy of Raymond and Yansheng Ma Lum)

“Cancelled check dated February 19, 1904, drawn on First Bank of Hilo, to Dr. S. Y. Sun for $158.00, signed by Tom Wai Kim, treasurer of the Chinese Revolutionary Army in Hilo. Dr. Sun and Ho Fon, chairman of the Xingzhonghui endorsed it.”



Certificate of Hawaiian Birth #25, 14 Mar. 1904


(Courtesy of Hawaii State Department of Health)

“Certificate of Hawaiian Birth issued March 14, 1904. Dr. Sun applied for and received the Certificate, claiming he was born in Hawaii on November 24, 1870.”



Deposition of Sun with Photo


(Courtesy of Hawaii State Department of Health)

“Statement signed by Dr. Sun under oath that he was born at Waimano, Ewa, Oahu, on November 24, 1870.” [see pre-1848 O`ahu map, “Family in Hawai`i”]


Deposition of B. Starr-Kapu & A. Kauhi


(Courtesy of Hawaii State Department of Health)

“Statements signed under oath by B. Starr-Kapu and A. Kauhi that Dr. Sun was born in Ewa.”


Copy of letter to Chinese Inspector of Immigration


(Courtesy of Hawaii State Department of Health)

“Copy of letter by the Secretary of Hawaii to the Chinese Inspector of Immigration that a Certificate of Hawaiian birth was issued to Dr. Sun.”


Copy of Certificate of Hawaiian Birth



(Courtesy of National Archives, Pacific Region)

“Copy of Dr. Sun’s Certificate of Hawaiian Birth submitted to U.S. Immigration when he sailed to San Francisco in April 1904.”