Year of Sun Yat-sen celebration ceremony

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Date(s) - 2011/03/25
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Park


By statue next to Hawaii Theater. Organized by?Honolulu City Council and Dr. Sun Yat-sen Hawaii Foundation.

Honolulu, Hawaii — 2011 marks the 100th anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s revolution leading to the birth of modern China. In recognition of the influence that Hawaii and its people had on Dr. Sun and his contributions to Hawaii, the Honolulu City Council recently adopted a resolution declaring 2011 the Year of Dr. Sun Yat-senin Hawaii. A celebration ceremony will be held at Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Park this Friday, March 25, 2011 at2 p.m. to commemorate the anniversary.

Music performed by members of the Royal Hawaiian Band will prelude the ceremony. Highlights of theceremony will include an Honorary Certificate presentation by Councilmember Tulsi Gabbard Tamayo to Warren K. K. Luke, Chairman and Steven Ai, President and other members of the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Hawaii Foundation and a congratulatory message delivered by Honolulu Mayor Peter Carlisle. Iolani School sophomore Ken-Ben Chao and Punahou School junior, Derek Lee will give remarks on the influence of Dr. Sun; both students representing the two local institutions where Dr. Sun studied in Hawaii. In attendance will bemembers of Dr. Sun’s family, president of Punahou School, Dr. James Scott, the Honorable Walter Kirimitsu,president of St. Louis School and leaders of the Chinese and community organizations. Numerous activitiesare being held world-wide and in Hawaii to honor Dr. Sun.

TIME: 2:00 P.M. – 3:30 P.M. (music from 2p-230p)
LOCATION: DR. SUN YAT-SEN MEMORIAL PARK (formerly Gateway Park atcorner of Bethel & Hotel Streets, adjacent to Hawaii Theater.)

According to Warren K.K. Luke, chairman of the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Hawaii Foundation, Dr. Sun spent his formative years in Hawaii, attending both Iolani School and Punahou School, making a major impact on hisunderstanding and appreciation for Western ideas and social action. “Dr. Sun formed his first revolutionaryorganization in Hawaii and he had many supporters from Hawaii who gave him major financial and moralsupport. Some of them sacrificed their lives for his cause.”/p>

The mission of The Foundation is to raise the public’s awareness of the important historical role Hawaii and itspeople played not only in the life of Dr. Sun Yat sen, the acknowledged Father and Founder of Modern China.The Foundation formed as a non-profit in 1997 in Hawaii and researches, chronicles, documents andexhibits the important historical links between Dr. Sun and Hawaii’s people and institutions worldwide.

In the press: (Chinese)

檀市定2011孫逸仙年 意義深遠